Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the website of Peakmore International Pte Ltd (PMI). Please explore all sections of our website, particularly the detailed products section and our awards accolades.
In the safe hands of Top Management with 30 years of experience at helm, PMI is safely engaged in the Metals, Minerals & Plastics business with a vision to remain a prominent international player in its field, enabling PMI to provide full customer satisfaction in its delivery of quality products and services.
I would also like to emphasize that PMI is committed to its mission, which is to remain in practice of the principals of “3R” – Reuse, Reduce and Recycle, in its processing and trading activities, in order to ensure our finite natural resources are used effectively in a sustainable way.
PMI, with its strategic business alliances, is able to continue its business activities steadily, expecting to increase its product portfolio in the upcoming years and a resultant higher turnover. Our experienced top management team is working towards new business ventures and Joint Ventures, which will certainly take PMI to the next level of growth.
I am confident that the dedicated staff of PMI will be able to efficiently and effectively manage the predicted increase in PMI’s activities. PMI’s success is attributed to its dedicated staff and continuous support from its vendors, customers, bankers and all other stake holders.
I express my gratitude to all parties concerned and assure unparalleled quality service from PMI’s management team, I look forward to all parties continued support in the future as well.
Thank you for visiting our website. I invite you to be part of our motivated organization as our esteemed customers, vendors, service providers, bankers, JV partners or by any other way you deem suitable.
Yours Sincerely,
J P Jaiswal
Chairman & Managing Director
Peakmore International Pte Ltd
Email: jp@pmisg.com
Number: (+65) 96934840